I would like to keep this confidential so you can just call me Sethomatic rather than refer to me by my real name. I have recently read an email from my Uncle Don where he asked a very perplexing question and I thought this was a perfect question for the Great Jefferson to handle. I'll just pass it along.
"Does anyone know why divers look so fit when they only do their sport for about three seconds at a time?"
Dear Sethomatic,
It’s not a matter of only doing the sport for only three seconds at a time, no no Seth, (do you mind if I call you Seth?) it’s a matter of how you look while participating in that particular sport.
I mean think about it. Thousands, nay, even millions, are gathered around in great anticipation to watch you dive off a platform into a pool of water to make either a splash or sploosh. And what do you choose to wear? A Speedo!!! The one article of clothing that acts in similar fashion to WEARING NOTHING AT ALL!!!! (See Diver Photo)

Anyone in that situation, in their right mind I might add, would definitely find time in their daily agenda to work out at least once a day in some form or fashion and participate in a diet suitable to their needs.
As you can see from the provided picture, not working out can be a detriment not only to the participating individual, but everyone else around them too.